

This is a post about Creativity, it’s a bit different from my usual DIY tutorials. I’ve been thinking about writing it for a long time but find I keep censoring myself. I want to be more open and share more of myself on the blog. I hope this inspires some interesting conversation and perspectives.Creativity The Creative Block by Trinkets in Bloom

This post talks about creative blocks, holding yourself back and unlikely sources of inspiration. I know it’s a bit heavy but if you’re interested click through to read more…(you’ll also see what I did to the cover of my Smashbook!)

Creativity Create Your Style
So the other night I was laying in bed trying to sleep off a migraine, when I had a moment of clarity. That time when your mind starts racing and you just suddenly have the answers to all those things you’ve been trying to figure out. (Mind you this was after the migraine cleared.)

One of the things I was thinking about was this quote “people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”. I don’t know who the original author of this quote is, but I love it and it’s so true. I’ve met a lot of people lately who I find inspire me immensely. And there are other people in my life who’ve hung around, that push me to be my best. I love you all whether you know it or not and where you all fit into my life based on that quote I guess I won’t know till later.

I’m so lucky I get to do this amazingly creative thing (the blog) and share it with you, but yet I don’t feel I’m always being completely true to myself in my ‘creativity’. It’s so easy to always be thinking about what DIY’s to make and whether or not people will like them. Pretty soon you find you’re just creating to try to please other people and we all know that doesn’t work. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE to make these DIY’s. Making wearable art is something I adore and will never stop! I just want to focus on making sure I stay true to my creative vision and not create to please my stats.Creativity Trinkets in Bloom

I’ve been an artist and creative type my whole life. I’m actually very talented at drawing and painting, however, not many people know this. In fact I’m not sure even I know it any more. The easel is stored in the garage, the paints are packed away and you get the picture.

In going back over some old posts I wrote back in the beginning of my blog about creativity and inspiration, I realized I need to follow my own advice. I find I’ve gotten in the habit of going to the internet when I feel creatively stumped instead of getting out of my routine and doing something, like creating! Or going for a walk or taking myself on an “artist date” (this term comes from Julia Cameron in the Artists Way I talk about it here). This just leads to more creative constipation. (that’s a technical term! LOL)

When you are constantly searching the internet you’ll find pretty much anything you’re looking for and if you’re feeling blocked creatively what you’ll come away with is “everything has been done before”. Which can be very disheartening when you’re feeling blocked.

When we get out and do things, physically move, the creativity flows.

I find I haven’t been drawing or painting much at all in the last couple years and that’s something I want am going to change. My husband always tells me “don’t tell me, show me”. So here goes….

I’m sharing this with you and I’m going to keep updating you with my progress. (That’s a way of keeping me on track.) I’ve started here with this Smashbook, it will be a work in progress. I’m using it like a sketchbook of sorts. I plan on not even being able to close it in a few months because it will be so full of stuff! I’m starting small in the hopes of one thing leading to another, let’s see where this goes.Creativity Smashbook Cover

If you’re feeling the same way, leave me a comment and let’s do this together! If you’ve found something that’s worked to keep you motivated please share!

Have an amazingly awesome creative week! Much love! xoxo Cathy

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  1. I love this, Cathy. First off, I am in LOVE with your smashbook cover! But I can absolutely relate to having a creative block, especially when it comes to my blog. I feel as though the things I make that I really, truly love don’t get as much love on the blog, opposed to things I’m not totally excited over, which are wildly popular. I constantly go back to ‘why did I start this blog in the first place?’ and try to ensure I’m staying true to myself, and in turn stay true to my readers. If I’m creatively constipated, I try to post about other things that I enjoy and make me happy (like subscription box reviews). But then I start thinking, ‘crap, I haven’t posted a DIY in a while and I feel it’s expected of me’. I don’t want it to be a chore to come up with something that I personally don’t feel and it’s just going to end up in a box of Misfit DIYs that I’ve created solely for the blog and it’s nothing I’ll actually use. Sorry to rant, but I guess I’m trying to say that your post really hit home with me. I can’t wait to see more of your sketches. I remember when you’d do sketches of your DIYs and I LOVED that! Please do some more of those, it was such a fun feature. You’re so talented and I wish I had more artistic talent (I think my 8 yr old can draw better than I can! Ha!)
    xo ~ Lia | Smart n Snazzy

    • Thank you Lia! I’m so glad you shared this with me. And I’m glad I’m not alone. ;) I think as bloggers we have a responsibility to create unique content and that’s why it’s important to stay true to ourselves. If we all try to create what we think people want to see then everything starts to look the same. I love your blog and your subscription box reviews too!

  2. I used to be so creative when I was younger with my apartment space and then with my kids for some birthday parties and gifts for teachers we made together and now they are older and I have so many ideas and no space to start creating in and trying to get the energy to take action and even start a small diy. Even as a teenager and young adult I would make things I remember my dad being perplexed when he opened our fridge, it turns out I had made soap and used the fridge to harden it.. I always made up costumes for the kids ( I don’t sew so sometimes my husband had to use the machine — sometimes I sewed parts by hand or ironed on or even glued parts together. They won a lot of local contests. Hope I can get started creating again too. You have a lot of talent, hope you will share some art work with us. Thanks for the inspiration. Pat S

    • Thank you Pat! I know how easy it is for life to get in the way of doing the fun creative stuff we want. I think it just takes little steps toward what we want and keep doing it until it becomes a habit again. Get started, you can do it! There’s no time like the present! We all need to take some time for ourselves. :)


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