HomeDIY AccessoriesDIY Monogrammed Camo Tote

DIY Monogrammed Camo Tote

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote Photo 1 by Trinkets in Bloom

It’s super easy to make your own DIY Monogrammed Camo Tote using freezer paper to make your stencil and Mod Podge and glitter to add some sparkle. It’s the perfect tote for fall, it goes great with black and most neutrals, it keeps you on trend with camouflage for fall, you can carry it most anywhere, and well, it’s just really cool! Let’s get started!


  • Tote bag (I bought mine here)
  • Mod Podge
  • Glitter
  • Stencil
  • Freezer paper
  • Bowl
  • Foil
  • Paintbrush
  • X-acto knife
  • Iron

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote supplies by Trinkets in Bloom
step 1

Create your monogram.

Trace it onto your freezer paper. Make sure to trace it onto the dull side of the freezer paper not the waxy side.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote stencil by Trinkets in Bloom

step 2

Using your x-acto knife carefully cut out your stencil.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote stencil cut by Trinkets in Bloom

step 3

Place your stencil onto your tote (waxy side towards your tote), if necessary use a ruler or tape measure to make sure you are centered.

step 4

Iron your freezer paper onto your tote. Be sure to check the heat settings for the fabric your tote is made of, you don’t want to melt it or scorch it with too high a heat.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote ironing by Trinkets in Bloom

step 5

Mix up your Mod Podge and glitter in your bowl. I like to line my bowl with foil, it makes clean up much easier.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote glitter by Trinkets in BloomDIY Monogramed Camo Tote mod podge by Trinkets in Bloom

step 6

Paint your Mod Podge, glitter mixture onto your tote.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote painting by Trinkets in Bloom

As it dries you’ll see where you need to add more, keep adding until you have the coverage you want.

step 7

Carefully peel off the freezer paper.

Let it dry completely.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote Photo 2 by Trinkets in Bloom

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve had this project on my to do list and just never did it. I don’t know why it took me so long, but I do know that I’m really excited about it, I know I will use this tote a lot!

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote Photo 4 by Trinkets in Bloom

For such a busy print camouflage is actually quite versatile and once again it’s a big trend for fall. This tote is a fun way to incorporate camouflage into your wardrobe without going all in.

DIY Monogramed Camo Tote photo 3 by Trinkets in Bloom

Have fun and let me know how your tote turns out!


  1. What size is your camo bag? I’m going between the medium or large.


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