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Patched Jean Shorts DIY

finished patched jean shorts DIY front view

Give your old worn out jeans an upgrade with this Patched Jean Shorts DIY!

Every once in a while you look at your old jeans and just say WTF am I thinking? Well that was the case with me and these shorts recently before I decided to give them a face lift and make them wearable again.

I have to admit that I definitely wore these in public long past their acceptable stage and well into that stage where you look like you’ve either given up on how you look or you’re in the middle of deep cleaning the house and had to run out for necessary supplies. LOL

I can definitely say that I have a hard time throwing away old jeans, in fact I usually don’t, I like to save them and cut them up for patches and other fun projects. You can see some of my past projects here.

You can see my process in this video and follow along on your own jeans.

Supply list:

  • Old shorts or jeans
  • Random scraps of denim or other fabrics
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Needle & thread
  • Aleene’s Jewel-it (optional)
  • Small skull and cross bones (optional)

I really enjoyed making these, partly because it’s a project I’ve really wanted to do for a while and kept putting it off, and partly because it’s kind of fun to sew patches on things. I love the way it looks, building up textures, colors, and shapes. It’s also really fun to make the patches and since they’re small you really feel like you’re progressing quickly, which is always a good thing.

Let me know how your project turned out! I’d love to see it!
Stay well friends!

DIY Anchor Welcome Mat

DIY Welcome Mat using ColorShot Outdoor Fabric Spray

DIY Welcome Mat using ColorShot Outdoor Fabric Spray

Anchors away! I love a nautical theme for summer, and I’m really excited to share this DIY Anchor Welcome Mat project with you. I created this project for i Love To Create using ColorShot Outdoor Fabric Spray. Check out this post for the full DIY tutorial and see just how easy it is to make your own! You’ll want to make one for every season and holiday!

Gingham Flip Flops DIY

DIY Gingham Flip Flops thumbnail

Gingham Flip Flops DIY Graphic

The gingham days of summer are here! It’s time to show off that colorful pedicure with some fun gingham bows on this flip flop DIY. I think by now I’ve made at least 246 flip flop DIYs (or maybe 9 who’s counting!), but this Gingham Flip Flops DIY is definitely one of my faves! Crisp clean looking gingham with big bows is just perfect for summer.

Back in the Saddle & Mystery Craft Boxes

Mystery Boxes thumbnail

Mystery Boxes

Hey guys! So maybe you’ve been wondering what the heck I’ve been doing, if I’ve totally forgotten about blogging and making DIYs or if I ran away and joined the circus. Well, the answer is no to all of the above (although I’ve always wanted to try tightrope walking). To be totally honest I just really needed some time off to spend with my family and get things into perspective. Now, feeling refreshed and with new found enthusiasm I’m back at it and I hope you’ll be looking forward to my future posts and DIY projects as much as I am.

For part of the process of getting myself back into the swing of things, I spent some time cleaning out my craft supplies and organizing my space. This is good news for you! Now I have some supply boxes for sale! After going through all the extra supplies I have, I’ve made up 5 “mystery” craft boxes for sale for $39 each (including shipping)! Each box has about a $100 worth of brand new unused supplies, this is a really great deal!

To give you an idea of what you’ll find in your box there are lots of fabric markers, dyes, transfers, and more! I don’t want to give away all the surprises in each box, but let’s just say they’re full of color and possibilities.

So here’s a link to get a box of fun! Just think of all the possibilities!

Hurry before they’re all gone! Click here!

Sequin Hat DIY

Sequin Hat DIY Thumbnail

Sequin Hat DIY

I don’t know about you but I’m sooo glad the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and I can finally move all my summer clothes to the front of my closet. With warmer weather, sunshine, and having fun in the sun in mind, I was super excited to work with Aleene’s to make this Sequin Hat DIY using their awesome Fabric Fusion fabric glue. This hat was so much fun to make and it’s going to be perfect for this summer. Here’s the full tutorial to make your own.